
Aesthetic Dentistry
The term aesthetic dentistry covers all treatments that lead to an improvement and harmonisation of your dentition and the appearance of your teeth.
The master laboratory at the practice makes it possible to manufacture dentures to precisely match your individual requirements.
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Experts in Implantology for more than 30 years
An implant is a dental root substitute mostly made of titanium that is grafted into the jaw bone with a screw thread. After about three to four months, ossification (osseointegration) with the surrounding bone has taken place and a cap/bridge or removable denture can be anchored on the implant.
Periodontics – Harmony between Teeth and Gum
Periodontology means “The Science of the Periodontal Apparatus”. The periodontal apparatus includes the gums, root cementum, periodontal membrane and the bony tooth socket. The most frequent form of periodontal apparatus disease is periodontosis. Without therapy, gingival pockets would expand to the extent that the bony tooth sockets would dissolve. Teeth would become loose and would have to be extracted or even fall out on their own.
Professional Tooth Cleaning
Systematic tooth cleaning clearly goes beyond that which you can do at home every day. Regular professional tooth cleaning is recommended by the German dentist association. It should be carried out every six to twelve months by specially trained specialists like dental prophylaxis assistants or dental hygienists. The best individual interval will be influenced by different factors though.
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High-quality Dentures / Prosthetics
A detailed as well as thorough dental care needs time and effort. Time, which many people are quite willing to invest in their health. However, even with the most thorough and regular dental care, it may happen that one tooth, several teeth or even whole parts of the jaw must restored or even replaced due to the general wear.
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Dental Anxiety or Dental Phobia
It is estimated that 60-80% of the general population feel anxiety before they visit a dentist. Up to 20% are considered highly anxious and 5% avoid the visit to the dentist, all together. In our practice in Berlin Charlottenburg your individual anxiety will be taken into consideration.
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